Spy Myung Wol

In the romantic-comedy "Spy Myeong-Wol," beautiful North Korean spy Myeong-Wol (Han Ye Seul) goes to South Korea in an attempt to kidnap a popular Korean male entertainer Kang Woo (Eric Moon).
Han Myeong-Wol is an agent in North Korea working to suppress the rising wave of South Korean pop culture in North Korea. She goes after people who watch South Korean dramas, movies, or pop music, but she hopes to one day move up as an agent in the special forces. Myeong-Wol then takes a test to become a special agent, but fails the test. Nevertheless, Myeong-Wol doesn't give up her hope of becoming a special agent just like her father.

Myeong-Wol is then given a mission to go to Singapore as the bodyguard for a high ranking military officer's daughter. The daughter is crazy about Korean pop star Kang Woo (Eric) and goes specifically to Singapore to watch his concert. The daughter is accompanied to Singapore by Myeong-Wol and the chief of special agent team Choi Ryu (Lee Jin-Wook). After the concert, the military officer's daughter asks Myeong-Wol to get Kang-Woo's autograph. Myeong-Wol obliging the daughter, follows Kang-Woo but finds it difficult to obtain his autograph. Kang Woo brushes off Myeong-Wol and states he doesn't give autographs in the public. Finally, Myeong-Wol sneaks into a masked auction event where Kang-Woo participates. Kang Woo buys an old book that is part of a 4 book collection. Meanwhile, Myeong-Wol goes near Kang Woo to get his autograph. At that time, 3 masked men attack Kang Woo to get the book. Myeong-Wol thwarts the 3 masked men's attempt by throwing a pen.

When Han Myeong-Wol goes back to North Korea she meets with the chief of special agents Choi Ryu. Choi Ryu informs Myeong-Wol that he won't pick her for the special agent team. At that moment, Myeong-Wol notices the pen she threw at the masked auction event in Singapore. Myeong-Wol then realizes that she ruined their mission. Myeong-Wol then decides to go to South Korea to complete their mission without informing her superiors.

When Myeong-Wol arrives in South Korea she follows Kang Woo around by visiting the shooting locations for the drama series he is appearing in. During a break in filming, Myeong-Wol approaches Kang Woo and then notices leaking gas. Instinctively, she jumps on Kang-Woo and saves his life. Mywong-Wol is hospitalized and the media jumps on the story.
Meanwhile in North Korea, they learn that Han Myeong-Wol saved Kang Woo's life. They contact North Korean spy Han Hee-Bok (Jo Hyeong-Ki), who is already working undercover in South Korea, to give Myeong-Wol a new mission. The new mission is for Han Myeong-Wol to marry Kang Woo and persuade him to defect to North Korea ...

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